Cheap booz in germany

  • Ersteller Johan



Im going to germany in may to buy a lot of cheap booz. But where can I find the cheapest booz in germany? I know about calles and boardshop but is there any place thats cheaper than those shops ? And if there is any place cheaper can you tell me about the prices. What does a bottle ( 1 liter ) of vodka cost (smirnoff or similar) ?

1 Liter Smirnoff - usually about 14-15€. Also ABsolut, Finlandia...
You could buy booz in every shop in germany. The prizes are very similar.
Cheap Vodka costs about 6 Euro.

But never go to"Aldi", "Lidl", "Penny" or "Plus" to buy alcohol, because the most oft these sprits are very bad.

Do you vistit germany in an exchange-program or privat?
In which region of germany will you travel to?

edit: Man ist mein Englisch schlecht ;D
Iwo - ich weiß noch nichtmal ohne Wörterbuch, was "booz" ist. ;)
booze ist nur umgangssprachlich für Schnaps, Alkohol!
Scheint mir aber nicht so dass der Threadersteller die Antwort noch liest ::)